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A seven-year-old boy kicked a bomb, mistaking it for a ball.

When the kid discovered it in the bush, he mistook it for a ball. When he shot at it, it immediately exploded, taking his life and injuring the other three.

24X7 Voyes 9, Kolkata: A child was killed by a bomb this morning while using it as a ball close to Kankinara railway station. In the undergrowth, he located something resembling a ball. Then, believing it to be a brand-new type of ball, he kicked it, causing it to suddenly explode with a massive blast. The blast also injured three boys.

As soon as they heard an explosion, the townspeople raced to the scene. When they arrived at the scene, they discovered a kid laying in a bloody pool. Three additional kids suffered injuries.

They were rushed to Bhatpara State General Hospital. The doctors declared the seven-year-old kid dead. The other three injured kids are receiving medical care at the hospital and are in critical condition. After being informed of the incident, police and GRP officials from Bhatpara police station sped to the scene and removed another explosive. The explosive has already been defused by bomb squad personnel. Whoever stored the device is being sought for by investigators.


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